Price your Baltimore Home to Sell Fast!
I'm ready now what?
When pricing your home to sell fast, there are many details to consider and to have in place.
Do you have another place to move? Will a fast sale net you what you need after expenses? Bottom line are you ready? If you answered yes to these questions, price your Baltimore home to sell fast!
Here's how it's done:
Meet with a REALTOR. Review the recent comparable sales in your community. Everyone thinks their house is the best house in the neighborhood or the update completed 15 years ago will increase the value significantly today. Reality is your house will produce a sale that the market states it's worth and what a buyer is willing to pay. If you are high and not selling, perhaps the home has been over improved or more has been paid than what it's worth. This may not be the end of the world of your reason for selling is stronger than your reason for staying. Price your Baltimore home to sell fast!
*Keep in the mind, if the buyer is using bank financing , the house MUST appraise. No if ands or buts. Sellers, don't step over dollars for dimes!
What's selling in your neighborhood? Are stainless steel appliances and hardwood floors the magic sauce that's sellingright now in your community? Or is the well cared for home in a desirable community the hot sell? If your home doesn't fall in the current selling trend, first consider if you can get what you need when you sell the way it is and/or does it make sense to invest? Meet with a REALTOR to discuss options.
This is an option. Some sellers may feel why am I getting an inspection as the buyer is going to get their own. While others may feel it's necessary to find a fix issues now prior to selling. In addition, a presale inspection may give a buyer additional confidence in the home. In Maryland, a presale inspection is not required of the seller.
Sellers, when you meet with a REALTOR, and discuss everything, the last thing is to be flexibile and consider all offers. Most buyers, especially first timers, are going to ask for closing cost assistance or offer a slightly lower price. But that doesn't necessarily that this is buyers final offer. If what they are offering doesn't work, consider a counter. Until some one states "FINAL OFFER", the negotiation process may continue.
For your Baltimore home to sell fast and successfully, all parties must be happy with the terms. The market truly determines the price.