21030 | Cockeysville Homes For Sale in Baltimore
21030 Baltimore | Cockeysville Homes for Sale and Real Estate
Cockeysville Baltimore Market Report
Median Listing Price
Median Days on Market
Income Levels
Median household income in 21030 is $64,438 with 589 households earning between $35,000 to $40,000 annually.
Income levels are listed along the left side of the chart, and the number of households are displayed along the bottom.
Education Levels
For the zip 21030, 32.42% of the people have completed a bachelors degree as their highest education level.
Weather Info
Weather Risk shows you the different kinds of extreme weather in an area, based on historical storm events and weather patterns.
The national average for each type of weather event equals a score of 100.
A score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk.

See Homes for Sale in Cockeysville Baltimore 21030
The national average for each type of weather event equals a score of 100.
A score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk.
More Stats
Median Age
Number of Homes
Homes with Children
See Homes for Sale in Cockeysville Baltimore 21030
A few of the popular subdivisions in Cockeysville Baltimore 21030
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